Monday, December 19, 2011

Do you have a 'Bucket List'? Now's the time!

With another year coming to an end, we all think about all those would haves and should haves... wouldn't it be great to see the Grand Canyon before it's too late? Oh, I'd love to learn how to spin pottery! I should have taken my kids to more fun places, maybe someday. I should have learned to knit when I had time. We all have a list running through our minds, or maybe it's been pushed to the back of our minds. But, how many of us really have a bucket list? An actual visual of all the things we'd love to do someday...but before it's too late? I have never actually written mine anywhere, but I am thinking in order to accomplish it, I need to put it somewhere. I am currently working on one of my many items on my list - scrapbooking/documenting my kids childhood, but what if I could do more??? I mean what if I could list mine out somewhere and possibly help someone else. Well, I just reconnected with someone I knew from a few years back, and she is one amazing gal. Family circumstances led her to create Trading Buckets. A place where you or I could help someone else complete an item on their own bucket list! Please go and check it out and I hope it inspires you to put together your own 'bucket list'!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011